ULTIMATE GAS PROFESSIONALS LIMITED is a registered private limited liability company established in November 2010 with the main aim of carrying out the business of marketing and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Uganda. The Company currently rents its corporate offices situated at Plot 24, Kakungulu Road, Ntinda, Kampala which acts as the head office, main collection and distribution center from where it serves a total of 145 retail outlets & reaching out to approx. 12,000 families mainly in & around Kampala. 

The company has until this year (2023) been solely and exclusively distributing TOTAL gas; while also undertaking LPG Consultancy assignments on behalf of both government/ Public Sector, as well as the Private sector both local and International Companies intent on doing LPG in Uganda and East Africa at large. Locally, the company successfully lobbied and advised the government of Uganda through the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development to constitute a national drive to promote modern, fast clean cooking energy in the form of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)/ Cooking gas. This culminated into the development of the Ministry’s LPG Promotion, Supplies and Infrastructure Intervention program which among others entails the issuing out of 1 million Free subsidised GOU 13Kg cylinders. We also participated in advising some of the licensed local oil producers with respect to processing and utilizing part of the gas in Hoima for domestic cooking purposes for the benefit of the citizens soon as oil production starts. 

This year (2023) we introduced our own brand of Cylinders/ Cooking gas in the brand name “UGAS”; in order to allow us the flexibility and ability to tailor simplified acquisition packages for a varied range of users in a form of nationalist support towards empowering and helping citizens to easily adopt this much-advantaged clean cooking product. We did not have this/ such flexibility under our distribution relationship with TotalEnergies Marketing Uganda’s LPG Brand.

Our aim is to affordably transition as many citizens and Ugandan residents as possible including the hardworking corporate, government, institutional, and factory workers, as well as students to clean cooking gas; in order to positively impact their lives, health and lifestyles, while inadvertently protecting the country’s environment and tree cover by offering simplified adoption packages to help them to abandon firewood and charcoal usage. 

We comprise of a team of experienced, dedicated and technical industry experts with a deep knowledge of the LPG/ Cooking gas business acquired from years of engagement within the industry both locally/ regionally and internationally.  We would wish to pass over this knowledge and information about the false safety myths, hidden truths and advantages of using LPG in comparison with the other energies. 
We are full members of the Uganda National Association on Clean Cooking (UNAAC).
